
305 West 9th st, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Day Porting

Is your property receiving needed attention during your tenants' peak business hours? Walker Building Services can provide porter service that will meet the specific needs of your property; hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.

Our porter service can provide immediate onsite assistance for the problems shopping centers and commercial buildings encounter daily.

Daily activities include:

  • Cleaning sidewalks and curbs of all trash and debris
  • Emptying and re-lining trash cans
  • Maintain clean trash cans and can lids, window sills, door frames and more
  • Removal of unwanted posters and paper advertising
  • Pick up trash and debris from landscaped areas and islands
  • Returning shopping carts to respective stores
  • Maintain the cleanliness of dumpster enclosures and rear service areas
  • Maintaining trash pick up

Our porter service offers light building and parking lot maintenance for homeowner associations, corporate buildings, shopping centers, high rises, and small businesses. Let us provide an estimate that will match your specific needs. Walker Building Services will provide the latest building maintenance equipment, porter service techniques and commercial cleaning supplies to provide the highest standards of cleanliness and building appearance.

Are you in need of commercial porter service?